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EU Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 2014/90/EU
作者:admin    发布于:2019-05-07 09:50:59    文字:【】【】【

EU Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 2014/90/EU
What is the Directive?

Directive 2014/90/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on Marine Equipment repealing Council Directive 96/98/EC came into force from 18 September 2016, Tel: +86 25 8658 3475.

The Purpose of the Marine Equipment Directive is to enhance safety at sea and prevention of pollution to the marine environment through the uniform application of the relevant international instruments relating to equipment to be placed on board ships registered with a Member State of the EU.

The Marine Equipment Directive covers any ship flying a European Country flag including the EEA & EFTA member state. The UK Competent Body is the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) formerly the Marine Safety Agency (MSA). Conformity assessment is through a Notified Body, such as BSI, and the compliance mark is the Ship's Wheel.

The MED is aimed at ensuring that equipment which has to meet the requirements of international conventions (e.g., SOLAS, MARPOL, etc.) agreed at IMO (the International Maritime Organisation), additionally meets a common standard of safety and performance.

It also ensures that certificates issued by European Union member states, or on their behalf by notified bodies, are acceptable with each member state through the harmonisation of their approval requirements.

We are one of the few notified bodies to cover the full scope of MED certification for:
Life-saving appliances (SOLAS III)
Marine pollution prevention equipment (MARPOL)
Fire protection equipment (SOLAS II-2)
Navigation equipment (SOLAS V)
Radio-communication equipment (SOLAS IV)
COLREG 72-equipment
SOLAS II-1-equipment

Why do you choose Nanjing Ruidu Company for MED certification?
Nanjing Smart Technology Co., Ltd. (NB0987, NB0833) is the authorized cooperative organization of the EU bulletin number.
Nanjing Smart has rich experience in MED certification and audit, which helps to promote industry best practices within the organization.

Nanjing Smart MED Certification Service
We are authorized to provide the following certification modes for conformity assessment:
Module B+F-Type
Module B+D-type
Module B+E-type

If you want to know which module your product should apply and how the certification process is, please contact us. Tel: 0086 25 86583475 or 0086 400 603 6575

IMO testing http://www.fire-test.com/en/teststandard/imo
IMO测试及认证 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/imo

Tel: +86 25-8658 3475   or +86 400-603-6575

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