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CSIRO-Fire safety: testing, research and certification services
作者:admin    发布于:2019-10-17 09:49:37    文字:【】【】【

We carry out testing certification and standardisation of reaction to fire and fire resistance of product and building. We also provide independent and objective fire safety engineering expertise and evaluation.

Our fire testing services
We operate the most comprehensive fire research, consulting and testing facility in Australia, which combines our expertise and full-scale fire testing equipment to simulate a wide range of fire scenarios.

We can assist with testing of fire resistance and provide certification.

We are able to undertake a wide range of tests for industry based on Australian, international and many other standards, as our facilities are registered by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA).

We can also assist you with interpreting results, assess conformity with specification, assist with research and development, and provide guidance on construction in bushfire-prone areas.

Our range of tests includes:

fire resistance of walls, floors, doors, dampers, shutters, ducts, columns, roofs, ceilings, penetration seals, windows and glazing, and other elements of construction
fire testing of concrete tunnel linings
spread of flame tests on building materials and textiles/furnishings
smoke developed or emitted tests on building materials
combustibility of building materials
air leakage of smoke doors and dampers
rate of heat release
some sections of the International maritime organisation (IMO) code for the application of fire test procedures.
Our fire safety engineering services
We provide an independent and objective fire safety engineering consultancy for innovative solutions that satisfy or exceed the required level of fire safety, while meeting the demand for cost efficiency and flexibility.

We assist with building and infrastructure design projects, including:

fire strategy development
regulatory code compliance
fire impact and smoke movement analysis
evacuation assessment, design and modelling
smoke ventilation design and assessment
hot smoke test for commissioning and verification
hot smoke test assessment of buildings and tunnels to Australian standard
fire risk assessments
assessment of fire resistance of structural members
materials assessment for flammability
bushfire impact assessment
third-party peer review
design for fire safety of passenger trains
full-scale fire tests and experiments.
We tailor our approach to the particular needs of each client and project, taking account of the nature of the physical phenomena and the applicability, accuracy, reliability and limitation of the different methods available.

Our fire systems research and consulting services
We can evaluate a range of automatic fire detection, alarm and protection equipment, as well as fire suppression systems, to Australian and international Standards.

We service the fire protection industry through independent standards-based testing of:

fire detectors
fire indicator panels
occupant warning systems
sprinkler heads.
We have made a significant contribution to the Australian standards for fire detection equipment and maintains an ongoing commitment to standards development.

Other services include:

product compliance
special investigations
on-site testing
audit sample testing
test specification development.

CSIRO澳洲NATA资质实验室,CSIRO,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织( Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization简称CSIRO)。是澳大利亚最大的国家级科研机构,前身是于1926年成立的澳大利亚科学与工业顾问委员会(Advisory Council of Science and Industry)。南京睿督公司与澳洲NATA资质的CSIRO实验室合作专业提供AS1530.1及AS1530.3,AS3837,AS5637.1等防火测试,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

CSIRO澳洲NATA资质实验室  http://www.fire-test.com/newscenter/regulation/12555.html
澳洲NATA资质 http://www.fire-test.com/laboratory/6603.html  
澳标AS 1530.1 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/other/7238.html  
澳标AS 1530.3 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/other/7206.html  
AS3837测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/other/3434.html 

南京睿督公司咨询电话:400-603-6575   025-8658 3475
网址:www.fire-test.com    www.firete.com

版权所有 Copyright(C)2012-2015    南京睿督科技有限公司
地址:江苏省南京市建邺区江东中路118号德盈大厦1622 苏公网安备 32010502010098号  
电话:025-8658 3475   传真:025-8658 3457  网址:http://www.nff16-101.com/   邮箱:info@fire-test.com   备案号:苏ICP备10201999号