电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457
SNCF STM-N-812法国防护涂鸦试验程序和方法
作者:admin    发布于:2019-12-06 10:20:07    文字:【】【】【

SNCF STM-N-812 Protection vis a vis des Graffiti procedures D’essais et methodes(Anti-graffiti protection)
法国国营铁路公司STM-N-812 防护涂鸦试验程序和方法

SNCF STM-N-812 The purpose of this test is to classify materials (excluding textiles) in terms of their resistance to graffiti. Two tests are described in the standard: The aggressiveness test and the effectiveness test.

Several types of graffiti may be used. These products are listed by SNCF(i.e. ink, paint and permanent marker).
Several removal products are also available depending on the use of the graffitied material.
The sample of the test material is marked then cleaned several times. The test material is given a classification according to the aggressiveness of the removal product required to remove the graffito.

轨道车辆防涂鸦测试SNCF STM-N-812结果需要结合侵蚀性和有效性测试来共同评估。一般认为涂料产品达到SNCF STM-N-812标准的G0及G1级,能够有效阻止小广告的粘贴切。

更多关于NFF31-112防涂鸦测试及SNCF STM-N-812法国防护涂鸦试验程序和方法,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司全国免费咨询电话:400-603-6575 025-8658 3475

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