电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457
ISO 13785-1中尺寸防火测试
作者:admin    发布于:2020-01-23 20:29:08    文字:【】【】【

ISO 13785-1中尺寸防火测试标准
ISO 13785-1 Reaction-to-fire tests for facades - Part 1: Intermediate-scale tests
ISO 13785-1 建筑物的正面对火反应的试验,第1部分:中间尺寸的试验

ISO 13785-2 Reaction-to-fire tests for facades - Part 2: Large-scale tests
ISO 13785-2 建筑物的正面对火反应的试验,第2部分:大尺寸的试验

This part of ISO 13785 specifies a screening method for determining the reaction to fire performance of products and construction of facades or claddings when exposed to heat from a simulated external fire with flames impinging directly upon a fa?ade. It is intended for use by producers to reduce the burden of testing in Part 2 of ISO 13782 by eliminating those systems that fail the tests described in this part of ISO 13785.

This test method is applicable only to facades and claddings that are not free standing and that are used as an addition to an existing external wall.

This test method also is only applicable to vertical elements and is not applicable to determining the structural strength of the fa?ade or cladding.

南京睿督公司专业从事防火烟毒测试十多年,专业的供澳洲NATA资质ISO 13785-1以及ISO13785-2防火测试
南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575



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