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美标ASTM E1995使用锥形辐射源测量烟密度及毒性测试,ASTM E1995通过收集燃烧后各种气体来进行烟密度及毒性测试,南京睿督公司专业提供ASTM E1995,ASTM E662,ISO5659-2等标准烟密度及毒性测试,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
ASTM E1995 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Smoke Obscuration Using a Conical Radiant Source in a Single Closed Chamber, With the Test Specimen Oriented Horizontally
ASTM E1995 在单个闭室中利用带水平试样的锥形辐射源测量烟雾昏暗度的标准试验方法
ASTM E1995烟密度及毒性测试方法-适用范围
This is a fire-test-response standard. This test method provides a means of measuring smoke obscuration resulting from subjecting essentially flat materials, products, or assemblies (including surface finishes), not ex-ceeding 25 mm [1 in. in thickness, in a horizontal orientation, exposed to specified levels of thermal irradiance, from aconical heater, in the presence of a pilot flame, in a single closed chamber. Optional testing modes exclude the pilot flame.
The principal fire-test-response characteristic obtained from this test method is the specific optical density of smoke from the specimens tested, which is obtained as a function of time, for a period of 10 min. An optional fire-test-response characteristic measurable.with this test method is the mass optical density which is the specific optical density of smoke divided by the mass lost by the specimens during the test.
ASTM E1995烟密度及毒性测试方法-参考标准
ASTM E662 Standard test method for specific optical density of smoke generated by solid materials
NFPA 270 Standard Method of Test for Measurement of Smoke Obscuration Using a Conical Radiant Source in a Single Closed Chamber
ISO 5659-2 Plastics-Smoke generation-Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single chamber test
ASTM E162表面燃烧性能测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/usa/3346.html
ASTM E662烟密度测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/usa/3347.html
BSS 7239毒性测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/usa/3351.html
更多关于ASTM E1317材料表面火焰蔓延测试,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575