电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457
作者:admin    发布于:2020-10-13 09:46:21    文字:【】【】【

相对于胶合板Plywood,LVL板材单板层积材在强度上、稳定性、加工性、阻燃性、隔音性等方面更具优势。可以说,LVL板材属比胶合板高一级别的板材种类。因此LVL板材欧盟CE认证标准与胶合板CE认证标准及认证体系是完全不同的。LVL板材欧盟CE认证标准为:EN 14374:2004,认证体系为:体系1;plywood胶合板CE认证标准为:EN 13986:2004+A1:2015,认证体系为:体系2+。更多关于LVL层压板与胶合板CE认证,请咨询南京睿督公司,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

EN 14374:2004 LVL板CE认证标准
EN 14374:2004 Timber structures-structural laminated veneer lumber-Requirements
EN 14374:2004 木结构-结构层压板-要求,IKEA宜家的LVL木结构层压板也参考此标准。

EN 14374:2004标准适用范围
EN 14374:2004-this document specifies the requirements for laminated veneer lumber for structural applications. The tests to be used, methods to carry out the evaluation of conformity and content of the marking of the product are given.
This document does not cover laminated veneer lumber treated against biological attack or fire.

EN 14374 LVL层压板CE认证主要测试项目
Reaction to fire A-F级 防火等级测试 EN 13501-1
Release of formaldehyde 甲醛释放量 EN 717-1
Bending strength 抗弯强度
Compression strength 压缩强度
Tension strength 拉伸强度
Shear strength 抗剪强度
Bonding strength 粘结强度
Bonding strength 粘合长度

EN 13986:2004+A1:2015胶合板CE认证标准
EN 13986:2004+A1:2015 Wood-based panels for use in construction-Characteristics, evaluationof conformity and marking
EN 13986:2004+A1:2015建筑用木质板条-特性,合格评定和标记。EN 13986标准规定了木结构产品申请CE标志认证需满足的基本特征。

EN 13986标准适用范围
This document (EN13986) defines wood-based panels for use in constructionand specifies the relevant characteristics and the appropriate test method to determinethese characteristics for wood-based panels, unfaced, overlaid, veneered pr coated:
It provides for the evaluation of conformity and the requirements for markingthese products.

南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475    400-603-6575

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