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防火涂层系统通过UL1709, BS476-20/-21和ISO22899-1喷射火防护等防火耐火测试,以及IMO FTP准则及最新ISO 20902标准。南京睿督公司与您分享ISO/DIS 20902新标准及新资讯,咨询电话:025-86583475。
ISO/DIS 20902-1测试标准及适用范围
ISO/DIS 20902-1 Fire test procedures for divisional elements that are typically used in oil, gas and petrochemical industries-Part 1: General requirements
ISO/DIS 20902-1石油、天然气和石化工业中典型使用的分区元件的防火试验程序-第1部分:一般要求
This working draft describes a test procedure for divisional elements intended for non-marine applications but suitable for offshore fixed and mobile installations. This procedure specifies a test methodology for determining the fire resistance of divisional elements with a fire protection system when subjected to cellulosic or hydrocarbon-poor type fire exposure conditions. The test data thus obtained may permit subsequent classification when used in conjunction with published fire test standards, on the basis of the duration for which the performance of the divisional element under these conditions satisfies specified criteria.
ISO 22899-1 Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection materials - Part 1: General requirements
ISO 22899-1 被动防火材料的抗喷火的测定.第1部分: 一般要求
喷射防火测试按照ISO 22899-1要求测定被动消防材料的抗喷射火性能。喷射防火设施模拟可能发生在海上平台和陆上设备的天然气喷射火,在这些海上平台和陆上设备中,天然气外漏可使结构钢曝露到明显热流中。该测试用于认证通常用来保护海上石油平台上钢铁的被动消防材料,并用来模拟高压天然气泄漏引燃和碰撞钢结构的情况。
更多关于石油、天然气和石化工业的防火涂层ISO 20902及IMO FTP 307(88)防火耐火检测,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司咨询电话: 025-8658 3475 400-603-6575
网址:www.fire-test.com www.fire-test.cn