电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457
法国于2016年颁布了两部UHPC规范,其中NF P 18-470对UHPC的材料性能进行了规定,NF P 18-710则对UHPC结构设计进行了规定。UHPC结构疲劳设计的总体原则是,通过计算得到结构的受压/受拉疲劳应力,并控制最大疲劳应力不超过UHPC的疲劳强度,以确保结构的抗疲劳安全性。南京睿督公司协助国内混凝土用钢纤维工厂成功申请欧盟EN14889欧盟CE认证及性能测试。咨询电话:025-86583475。 (睿督检测2023提供分享)
UHPC的抗拉性能:试件尺寸的大小对UHPC裂后性能影响较大,为了真实反映结构实际的受拉性能,法国UHPC材料标准NF P 18-470建议UHPC试件的最小尺寸不宜小于5倍纤维长度。UHPC主要由水泥、细骨料、硅灰、石英粉、减少剂、钢纤维和水等组成,材料组分对UHPC的抗压强度有显著影响。
法标NF P18-470超高性能混凝土标准介绍
This standard applies to ultra‐high performance fibre‐reinforced concretes, hereafter referred to as UHPFRCs,
intended for use in:
precast structures and precast structure elements;
cast in place structures and structure members;
parts of structures constituted by cast in place UHPFRC, particularly in the case of connections, overlays or repairs;
for buildings and civil engineering structures.
It also applies to architectonic or non‐structural elements whether precast or cast in place.
The UHPFRCs covered by this standard are manufactured and installed in compliance with standard
NF P 18‐451. They may be manufactured on site or in a ready‐mixed concrete plant or even in a precast
product manufacturing plant.This standard does not deal with specifications relating to UHPFRCs designed
for installation by spraying.
更多关于法标NF P18-470超高性能混凝土UHPC性能测试具体内容,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司咨询电话:400-603-6575 025-8658 3475
网址:http://www.fire-test.com http://www.hksmartps.com