电话:025-8658 3475
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Bushfire Services BAL-LOW/12.5/19/29/40/FZ
作者:admin    发布于:2023-11-14 10:13:27    文字:【】【】【

Is Your property in a bushfire Prone Area? 您的房产位于丛林大火高发区吗?

Extensive bushfire prone areas have now been designated across Western Australia. To check if you are affected you can view the DFES Map of Bushfire Prone Areas and locate your property. If any part of your property is shaded pink on the map then it has been designated as bushfire prone.

Bushfire Attack Level(BAL)Assessment 丛林大火攻击等级(BAL)评估

If your property is within a designated bushfire prone area, you may require a BAL assessment prior to building or developing the property. A BAL will determine the potential bushfire exposure of your site and will also establish the construction requirements you can use to improve the protection of your building from bushfire attack. Click here to contact a Milestone BAL Assessor for a professional appraisal and written BAL Assessment report.

What does a BAL Rating Mean? BAL评分意味着什么?

Your BAL rating is a measure of the potential heat exposure to your building if a bushfire occurs in the surrounding area. The various construction measures that are required for each BAL rating are determined by Australian Standard AS3959-2009 Construction of Buildings in Bushfire-Prone Areas. Each successive rating applies higher standards with potentially higher building costs. 


The risk is considered to be VERY LOW.
There is insufficient risk to warrant any specific construction requirements.


The risk is considered to be LOW. There is a risk of ember attack from a fire.
The construction elements are expected to be exposed to a heat flux not greater than 12.5kW/m2.


The risk is considered to be MODERATE. There is a risk of ember attack and burning debris ignited by wind-borne embers and a likelihood of exposure to radiant heat.
The construction elements are expected to be exposed to a heat flux not greater than 19kW/m2.


The risk is considered to be HIGH. There is an increased risk of ember attack and burning debris ignited by wind-borne embers and a likelihood of exposure to an increased level of radiant heat.
The construction elements are expected to be exposed to a heat flux not greater than 29kW/m2.


The risk is considered to be VERY HIGH. There is a much increased risk of ember attack and burning debris ignited by wind-borne embers, a likelihood of exposure to a high level of radiant heat and some likelihood of direct exposure to flames from the fire front.
The construction elements are expected to be exposed to a heat flux not greater than 40kW/m2.

BAL–FZ(Flame Zone)

The risk is considered to be EXTREME. There is an extremely high risk of ember attack and burning debris ignited by wind-borne embers, and a likelihood of exposure to an extreme level of radiant heat and direct exposure to flames from the fire front.
The construction elements are expected to be exposed to a heat flux greater than 40kW/m2.


Why Warringtonfire for bushfire testing? 山火测试哪里可以进行

Warringtonfire’s NATA accredited Australian laboratory has extensive experience in fire testing, and was actively involved in the research and development of the two bushfire testing standards – AS 1530.8.1 and AS 1530.8.2.

澳大利亚炎热干燥的气候,在温暖的季节,丛林火灾频繁发生。每年,这样的火灾都会波及广泛的地区。许多建筑需要符合澳洲的Bushfire山火测试,睿督与澳洲NATA资质实验室合作十多年,提供澳标AS3959 Bushfire Attack Level-BAL29,BAL40防火等级测试,AS3959, AS1530.8.1, AS1530.8.2等澳标防火检测。

南京睿督|防火阻燃检测|构件耐火性能检测  https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/4260230.html

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网址:www.fire-test.com    www.firete.com 
微信:firetesting  或    17714189018 


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