电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457
ACCREDIA是意大利国家实验室认可委员会机构Italian Accreditation System的简称。ACCREDIA意大利认可委员会机构前称为SINAL。ACCREDIA意大利国家认证机构、EA成员,并且是测试实验室互认协议(MLA)的签署者。其认证业务获得了IAF-ILAC(国际)和EA(欧洲)管理的认证体系所有签署者的认可。南京睿督公司携手意大利认可委员ACCREDIA认可实验室LAPI实验室为您提供专业权威的烟火毒测试。咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
ACCREDIA-Italian Accreditation System-is the Italian National Accreditation Body appointed by the State to perform accreditation activity.
ACCREDIA, which was created by the merger of SINAL and SINCERT and the contribution of SIT - INRIM, ENEA and ISS, as non-profit-distributing association, has been recognised by the Italian State on 22th December 2009 as the sole National Accreditation Body that performs accreditation with authority derived from the State.
The mission is full compliance of the national accreditation system with the regulation of the European Parliament and Commission n° 765 of July 9, 2008, which is applicable from January 1, 2010, for accreditation and market compliance in all EU countries.
UNI CEI 11170-3:Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits
UNI CEI 11170-3:轨道车辆防护的指导. 第3部分:材料的防火性能评估,接受限度
UNI 8456:受双面燃烧的易燃材料-小火燃烧
UNI 8457:受单面燃烧的易燃材料-小火燃烧
UNI 9174:辐射热点燃火焰燃烧试验
UNI 9175:软垫家具的小火燃烧试验
UNI 9177:可燃材料的燃烧等级
UNI 9796:用于木制材料上防火涂料的燃烧试验-测试防火和等级划分
UNI EN ISO 1716:建筑材料的燃烧测试-卡路里的确定
UNI EN ISO 11925-2:燃烧试验-建筑产品的燃烧试验
UNI EN ISO 1182: 建筑产品的燃烧试验-不燃测试
UNI CEI 11170-1:轨道车辆-轨道车辆防护的指导. 第1部分:一般原则
UNI CEI 11170-1:轨道车辆-轨道车辆防护的指导. 第2部分:设计
SINAL 意大利国家实验室认可委员会 http://www.firete.com/accreditation/4984.html
咨询电话:025-86583475 400-603-6575