电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457
IEC 60684-2绝缘软套管规范-试验方法
作者:管理员    发布于:2015-03-12 09:00:50    文字:【】【】【

IEC 60684-2标准名称
IEC 60684-2 Flexible insulating sleeving-Part 2: Methods of test
IEC 60684-2 绝缘软套管规范-第2部分:试验方法。

IEC 60684-2绝缘软套管规范-测试项目
1. General
2. Test condition
3. Concentricity (%)=minimum wall thickness / maximum wall thickness
4. Density
5. Resistance to splitting after heating
6. Heat shock (resistance to heat)
7. Resistance to soldering hest
8. Loss in mass on heating of uncoated textile glass sleeving
9. Longitudinal change
10. Deformation under load(resistance to pressure at elevated temperature)
11. Thermal stability of PVC sleeving
12. Volatile content of silicone sleeving
13. Bending after heating
14. Bending at low temperature
15. Brittleness temperature

IEC 60684绝缘软套管规范
IEC 60684-1 Flexible insulating sleeving-Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
IEC 60684-2绝缘软套管规范-第1部分:定义和一般要求。

IEC 60684-2 Flexible insulating sleeving-Part 2: Methods of test
IEC 60684-2 绝缘软套管规范-第2部分:试验方法。

英国BS6853测试     http://www.firete.com/fire_standard/railway/163.html
德国DIN5510-2测试   http://www.firete.com/fire_standard/railway/535.html
法国NFF16-101测试 http://www.firete.com/fire_standard/railway/164.html
美国NFPA130测试         http://www.firete.com/fire_standard/railway/166.html
EN 45545-2-2013欧盟最新标准 http://www.firete.com/fire_standard/railway/167.html

更多关于IEC 60684-2绝缘软套管规范及其它防火阻燃测试,请咨询中国防火网
中国防火网免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475  400-666-7290

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